Why A Audio Attenuator:
If you are into ESSB audio, or your
just using some type of outboard audio equipment you may need a
attenuator so that you do not over drive the front end of your
transceiver. This attenuator is used to set down the audio going
into your radio by about 23db. I could have bought one. I
decide to build my. And beside I like the idea of building so of my
own gear and having some of the parts in my junk box it all work
out. I built two of these attenuator but each one was a little
different. The first one I built was a little more involve with more
parts. The two one I built was very simple and only require a few
parts that you may fine in your parts box. I will start with the
simpler one first. Both of these attenuator were design by W2IHY
Julius. These audio attenuator seem to have two name's for them. One
being a Ibox and the other Murf Box.
Click on the small thumbnail for a larger view. Picture will open in
a new popup window.
Second Attenuator I Built:
Parts needed for this project.
Resistors R1 2.2k - R2 10k - R3 820 ohm.
2 1/4 phone plug. Or you can use RCA plugs if you like.
1 Audio transformer Stancor TTPC-2 or TTPC-8 telephone coupling
transformer from Allied Electronic
1 Plastic or metal enclosure box. I use a small plastic box from
Radio Shack.
As you can see from the picture of Fig 1 there is not much to this
unit at all. Very easy to build. Fig 2 is a picture of the
schematic. This was my first attempt using a program to draw this
Fig 1
R2 can be replace with a variable 10k
or 100k resistor if you like. I used a fix resistor in mine and
works great. All resistor are 1/4 watt. |
Is The First Audio Attenuator I Built:
This unit is a little more involved and
has more components in it.
Credit for his circuit design is by Julius W2IHY |
Parts List.. |
C4-C6 - .001 uf Mylar
C7 - 100 uf radial electrolytic
C8 - .1 uf monolithic ceramic capacitors
R1,R3.R4 - 1K ohm ¼ watt resistor |
R2 - fixed resistor or variable potentiometer
RFC1,RFC2 - put a piece of wire in place of the RF choke
RFC3,RFC4 - 470 uh miniature r.f. Choke
T1 - 1:1 600 ohm Audio Transformer |
Other Parts Used :
(1) 1/4 phone plug (2) 8 pin mini din connectors. I
built this
one to accommodate two radios. (1) DPDT switch used to switch
between the two radios. You can used what ever type of connector
that will work best for you. |
Click image to view the
Finish Product...
Created May 19, 2009 |
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